Anatomia artistica:
- A Manual of Artistic Anatomy by Robert Knox, MD
- Anatomical Diagrams by James M. Dunlop. MacMillan Co., 1919
- Artistic Anatomy of the Human Figure by Henry Warren, Windsor and Newton, 1852
- Artistic Anatomy by Mathias Duval, Cassell & Company, 1890
- Constructive Anatomy by George Bridgman, Bridgman Publishers, 1920
- Surface Anatomy by T. Gillman Moorhead MD, William Wood & Company, 1905
- The Book of a Hundred Hands by George Bridgman, Bridgman Publishers, 1920
- The Human Figure by John H. Vanderpoel, The Island Printer Company, 1911
- Practical Drawing by E.G. Lutz, Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1915
- The Art of Composition by Michel Jacobs, Doubleday, Page & Company, 1926
- Light and Shade by Anson K. Cross, Ginn & Company, 1897
- Drawing the Head and Hands by Andrew Loomis, Viking Press
- Augsburg Drawing I by D.R. Augsburg, Educational Publishing Company
- The Practice of Oil Painting by Solomon J. Solomon, RA, J. B. Lippincott, 1910
Salve Alessandro
grazie per tutte le proposte, indicazioni, articoli, immagini.
Da tempo sto cercando un libro: Laboratorio di disegno della figura umana di Allan Kraayvanger.
Potresti suggerirmi come e dove potrei recuperarlo?
Cordiali saluti.
Maria Teresa